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Administration at Lilong Haoreibi College is headed by the Principal of the college who is also the Executive Head of the Institution. He functions in a concerted manner aiming at providing quality education and moving ahead towards fulfilling the vision of the college “Transforming the society through advancing of quality in higher education and rendering of need-based, cost-effective and skill-integrated education system”. He looks after/oversees the students in teaching-learning processes and quality enhancement of the faculty and non-teaching staffs. Administration may be regarded as the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in effort towards goal achievement in a given situation.

Effective administration in an educational institution enables it in going beyond imparting knowledge and in unfolding potentials of the Institution.

Administrative set up at Lilong Haoreibi College may be presented as below wherein Academic section is carried out in consultation and coordination with the Heads of the Departments, and the Non-academic section/part with the non-teaching staffs.

Sl. No.NameRole
1 Dr. Md Raheijuddin Sheikh Principal (Executive Head of the Institution)
2 Dr. Ng. Pikeshwor Singh Co-ordinator, IQAC
3 Md. Musaa Nodal Officer, RUSA

1 K. Krishnakumari Devi Teacher-In-Charge, Botany
2 Dr. W. Binod Kumar Singh Teacher-In-Charge, Chemistry
3 E. Bhorat Singh Teacher-In-Charge, Economics
4 Dr. Th. Lakshmibai Devi Teacher-In-Charge, Education
5 W. Nandini Devi Teacher-In-Charge, English
6 Md. Iliyas Teacher-In-Charge, Geography
7 W. Binapani Devi Teacher-In-Charge, History
8 L. Ibetombi Devi Teacher-In-Charge, Home Science
9 Dr. K. Sadhana Devi Teacher-In-Charge, Manipuri
10 Syed ZakirHussain Teacher-In-Charge, Mathematics
11 Ch. Bhabeshori Devi Teacher-In-Charge, Philosophy
12 S. Shantikumar Singh Teacher-In-Charge, Political Science
13 M. Randhoni Devi Teacher-In-Charge, Physics
14 Dr. S. Shantibala Devi Teacher-In-Charge, Zoolozy

1 Dr. MdRaheijuddin Sheikh Principal (Executive Head of the Institution)
2 BibiMaream UDC
3 Md. ZakirHussain Peon
4 Md. Akil Khan Lab. Attn.
5 Md. SalaturRahaman Peon

* Only the regular staffs are listed here.